Sunday, November 25, 2012

Usagi drop

Yoyo minna!!! Yeah finally get a chance to update this very small place :D Alright! just to let you know i will be graduating soon :D oh yeah.. but it will be hell for the time being.. I have just attended the great event AFA 2012 recently.. However i will post it next time .. Internet has been a drag! Lets get down to the real deal now which is an awesome anime ''usagi drop''.. It is an anime that i found during AFA this year.. Sadly this is one of the featured but no attention anime X: but i am glad that i have found this anime and finished it.. There is only 2 words that can describe how i feel about this anime, ''Heart warming'' and ''influential''. The genre would be family, comedy, drama and many piece of life :D It has a total of 11 episodes.

Rating: 8.2/10

The story starts with this 30 year old guy, Dakichi who is simply a workaholic. His life only revolves around working and drinking after that.. No more and no less. One day, he went back to his home town for his grandfather funeral and only fated to see a unfamiliar child in the garden.. His mother then told him that the six year old child, Rin is actually his grandfather illegitimate child with no information of the mother. Rin was treated as an outcast with no relatives that wants to take her in. After seeing this horrible scene, Dakichi took pity on her and decided to take care of her by himself. Through the process of taking care of Rin, he get to taste the feeling of being a father, close friend and little that he know that his life will change forever !!!

I was quite curious when i saw this anime in AFA this year. The name itself sounds mysterious : bunny drop. Even the poster seems very different from other anime with a old guy standing beside a small kid. It just leave me to wonder what kind of anime it will be~~~ And hell yeah i am really glad and lucky to check out the anime.. It is definitely one of the most heart warming and inspirational shortest anime that i have watched so far....

Lets talk about its animation, yes the animation is kind of different from the rest of the anime.. Usagi drop seems less animated but more ''manga'' like.. Yes the whole animation seems closer to a picture story to me.. However this is definitely not a bad thing.. In fact it is so refreshing that you could really get use to it... For the character parts, it does not really have a variety of character.. However is a good thing that they featured a lot on the 2 main cast which is Dakichi and Rin.. This 2 characters is like a mascot for this anime.. When you think of this anime after watching, this 2 character will definitely be the most memorable to you :D Of course there are a few important side character appearing every here and there.. These side characters has really done a good job in bringing up and adding a little spice to the story..

The plot may seems simple and plain.. But trust me the story itself as it proceeds will be very heart warming and inspirational that may or may not has this very little impact in your life. However it does has this mini impact on my life.. So i say it really did a good job doing that for such a short anime.. Apparently this anime has some child figures as characters that appear quite often which raise the cuteness level !! Yes, so you can really expect some comic relief quite often... I should say comedy and cuteness really comes hand in hand which makes a wonderful combination ... One thing that i find this anime interesting is the relationship between the characters. In the story, Rin is the auntie of Dakichi who is a few times older than her.. At the same time, Dakichi acts like a father and a close friend to her.. When you can see the transition of Dakichi sacrificing some things to change his lifestyle for Rin is the most beautiful thing about this anime!


1. Sweet drops by Puffy (OP 1)

2. High High High by Kasarinchu (ED 1)

For the both of the songs, it did not really ignite my interest.. I am kinda disappointed for the opening animation.. Yes the animation did not even features the characters .. How do i say i was expecting to see some characters in the animation to get a feel for the anime.. But the opening animation was kind of like no link to the anime at all... I feel that a better job can be done for the opening animation for the next related anime..

All in all Usagi drop is definitely a treasure and a gem that is bury under the ground waiting to be found. So i am sharing this treasure to the world.. I am not really sure that it will appeals to most people out there.. Because this anime is really all about life.. Nothing fanciful and fantasy about it.. However i can assure people that loves to be emotionally overwhelmed, this anime will definitely satisfy your hunger.. For those poeple who are looking for something emotional , heart warming and inspiring? Usagi drop will be at the top of the list :D So let this anime gives a little push for your busy and stressful life and let it have a little change in your life like how it affect mine :D

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