Friday, November 18, 2011

Hatsukoi limited

Hey people!! I am back again!! X: Yes, i know my blog is very very very dead. However, please dont blame me mann!! Blame it on my freaking school. I have been dam busy, no joke.. Tons and tons of stuffs to do.. so yeahhh.. As you people know, there is an anime related event that take place recently which is none other that AFA!! It was totally awesome.. I will talk about it soon.. Th topic of today would be hatsukoi limited. If you guys are wondering what it means, it actually means fist love limited :DD Yes, it is actually a romance anime xD You might think it is just another ''romance'' anime. Trust me, this is something different. Okay, it s a short anime with 12 episodes. My rating for this anime would be 8.5/10.

The story is actually talks about the love life of eight girls in the middle school and high school and also the people around them. For the first few episodes, it focuses on a series of short stories of the girls talking about their complicated love lives. In the later episodes, the stories then intertwine which involve most of the casts. The characters are actually linked up by complicated love chains. In which along the way, unexpected love sparks starts to ignite between the characters. Apart from the love stories, there also epic scene every here and there.

The story actually has no solid plot. Which means that the character has no objectives. It is just a series of different love stories chuck and link together by a complicated love relationship chains. By saying this, i do not mean it in a bad way. In fact it is unique and awesome. In those typical romance type anime, there is either one guy flooded with a lot of girls or just one guy and on girl. However, in this anime it gives you a whole new concept. Where every girl in the story is pair up with at least one guy. Thats spice up the story.

Instead of talking about just one relationship, it is actually talking about a lot of relationship. This makes it more refreshing and it definitely wont bored us. Despite have so many complicated love relationship link together, it is actually easy to digest the story which is very important. If you cant digest the story, then there is no point in watching.

Another thing is that, the story is actually quite organized. Every episode it actually focus on one or two relationships at a time. It does not just flood all the characters in one episode. This is especially good as it helps you to understand and know the characters in the story better. One last thing is that the characters in the story ends up with someone. This is a very good ending for me. Whats a romance story when there is nobody got together, it would totally distort the whole story.

The show is actually quite funny most of the time. Also the characters are a bit revealing making the series abit eechi. So for people who like anime girls with godly figures and epic scene, this is definitely the one for you.

Now for the song part. I cant really say the songs are not nice, it is just that it is not really my cup of tea. So i should say it is really very subjective. I will note it down anyway.

1.Future stream by sphere (OP1)
2.Hatsukoi limited by marble (ED1)
3.Gensou no basho, sorezore no michi no ue by marble (ED2)
4.Sora ni mau by marble (ED3)

I still recommend you guys try listening to the songs. you may like it eh :DD

Okay, my next post will probably be about AFA. Yeah so stay tune eh :DD I will try my bets to get it done as soon as possible. So wait for mi and keep tracking mi xD

*ciao suu~~

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