Hi people!! like i promised in one of my previous post which i can't remember , I am finally going to talk about one of the great event this year. This is none other than the Anime festival Asia 2011 Aka AFA 2011 !!!! It is held on 11 November 2011 on a friday. If you translate in to numbers , it will be ''111111''. It is dam cool right? It is a 3 days event. Since it is my first trip there, so i do not have any experience to such event. I went on the second day in the morning. I bought the 8 dollar ticket which gives me the entrance to the festival but the not the stage show. Well i kind of regretted not buying the stage show ticket too but oh well, since there is not much special guest that i really like that came.
This year and last year, i spent a lot of time catching up with anime. You can say that i went to the event with knowledge to most of the anime there. So i am definitely looking forward to AFA this year even though it is my virgin trip. For the photo's part, i do took a lot of photo's. However, i should say the photos were poorly taken and with no quality. Thats because i took most of the photos with an i pad since the camera is out of battery. Somemore the crowd was amazing!!I had hard time taking the photos due to the large crowd banging around. So forgive me for the poor quality photos. Without further a do, lets get on with the photos!!
These are some of the first few photo's that i first took when i step into the exhibition hall. I was quite amazed at first. A car that is vocaloids designed, how cool can that be. It sure is a dream come true for any vocaloids lovers that owns a car.
More cars coming up!!! This car look pretty cute to me even though i don't know which anime does the character on the car belongs to. Definitely worth the time to check it out.
Here comes the doll madness!! I was quite puzzled at first why are there dolls in an anime related events. Later then i realised that they are anime characters. Woah how awesome can it be, transforming anime characters into dolls!! The dolls are also quite popular where tons of people taking photos of them. I even saw some people that brought their own collection of dolls.
The maid cafe!! They actually has a maid cafe there which is still not open when i reach there. This is one of the waitress in maid cafe thats was transformed into anime like character. Quite a unique and cool concept eh. It is a pity that i did not visit the cafe.
If i am not wrong, my friend told me that these figures belong to the characters from fate stay night. It looks pretty cool to me so i just snap a couple of picture.This anime is pretty popular at the festival. well i do not have much knowledge to this anime. Shall try to watch it next time.
Well well, what do we have here.. characters from Sora no otoshimono (first and second character counting from the right). It is quite an awesome anime i should say. I felt kind of happy that they focus on this anime at the fest. However, it is a pity that there were no figurines related to it on sale. The other two figurine, i am not really sure which anime it is from.
We have hatsune miku here!! As popular as always. Looks pretty nice to me. However i am not really into vocaloids so i just took a shot of it.
When we are talking about models, of course we must have gundams!! If i am not wrong, this gundam belongs to the gundam unicorn series which is quite focused in the fest this year. I suppose it is a new gundam series. Well it is quite sad that there were no gundams from the old times such as ''gundam seed'', ''gundam OO'' , ''gundam W'' and etc on display.
Of course we have one piece, the all time favourite anime!! Definitely two thumbs up!!! Chopper looking not bad too... Don't you just wanna bring it home? Hahah!!
Naruto and a set of kamen riders!!Quite a weird combination but i should say nicely done!! Awesome figurines!!
Come on, it is the medals from kamen rider O's. Kind of shocked to see it in the fest. Just a random shot of it.
Some random shots again. Baby beel from beelzebub. Quite a new anime and it is freaking nice!! kind of disappointed that i did not see any figurine related to it.
Characters from Fairy tail, another awesome anime. It is another ongoing anime just like beelzebub. Be sure to catch it.
Guess who? They are members from AKB48 ,the popular 48 girls group. These 4 are just some of the popular members in the group. well, you must be wondering why their pictures are appearing in anime fest? Let me tell you. Some of their sub groups in AKB48 has sings for some anime such as No3b. They sure are cute and talented. Quite popular even till now!!
Some random figurines that i snapped. Probably from fate stay night or some other anime.
We have some dolls again!! looks pretty cute but at the same time eerie!! hahah!!
Although the figurines have the same clothing, i heard from my friend that in fact that they are a mixture of characters from different anime. Seems pretty cool to mi !!
More figurines from one piece. Had a hard time taking this picture as there are tons of people surrounding it. Just make mi feel like bringing them home!!
Some random figurine that i snap. The pose is awesome!!
We have kirino from ''Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai''. quite a nice anime!! Nice figurine!!
This is definitely my all time favourite!! Fate and nanoha from magical lyrical girl nanoha.. It looks freaking cute to me!! I will be sure to get them next year :DD Good stuff anyway.
We have people cosplaying vocaloids here. Quite a common sight at the fest. However they are one of the best vocaloids cosplaying pair that i can find. Nice!!
We have flan from katekyo hitman reborn. He was not really posing for picture taking. so i just snap a shot from the back, Looks pretty funny from the back.
Well well we have jiawei (my friend) with some random cosplayer which i dun know which anime it is from. Jiawei was so hyped up and he decided to take a picture with her. She was quite popular with tons of people taking picture of her.Nice cosplaying!!
Jiawei with another random cosplayer aagain.. She was pretty popular too where we have to wait for quite a while before snapping with her. She looks like one of the vocaloids, i am nt very sure.
Of course i must take a picture with an cosplayer. Of course i chose misa from death note. She looks good to me. I have this crazy likes for misa. So yeah, hope to see her again. Good job anyway!!
I dont know who is this. But she sure gives off an elegant aura. Nice!!
Another pair which i have no idea who are they. but nice outfits anyway!! cheers!!
Woah this looks really alien to me. Probably something like kamen riders or gransazer? I was knocked by its hard amour too. Anyway good effort in making and wearing the whole set of amour.
Okay they look like some elves to me. They were pretty unique and outstanding among the cosplayer... good stuff!!
Okay another cosplayer that i am not sure of. Probably from madoka magical? Nice bow and stance !!
Misty and Ash from pokemons! Of course we must not miss this. Quite of reminds mi of my childhood. Of course when we talk about childhood, it has to be pokemon!!! Nice and great cosplaying..
Woah a vocaloid group!! They sat there for a very very long time because tons of people are taking pictures of them. One of the popular groups i guess. Nice theme!!
Okay, we have a some one in maid costume , probably from kaichow wa maid sama. A nice romance anime. I tell you, she is terrifying cute!! She even has problems walking just a little because she is constantly flooded by people taking her pictures. Nice costume and awesome cuteness!!
Yes, we have chrome from katekyo hitman reborn. One of my favourite anime character. She is the only one cosplaying chrome that i saw that day. So i just take a snap of it.
Of course there are power rangers!!! I felt kind of happy when i see him. Kind of make me reminisces my childhood just like pokemon. I can say that they play a major role in everybody childhood's. Nice stance!!
The warlocks from one piece. They make another awesome group at the fest which is quite popular. Also they are the only groups that are cosplaying the warlocks... Nice combination!!
Okay here is another elegant aura giving cosplayer. I just happen to pass by her so i just took a random shot of it. Nice dress!!
Woah a girl holding a large cannon. how cool is that. Probably an character from some rpg game. She sure leaves a very strong impression with her large cannon. Nice cannon i should say!! hahaha!!
Okay i am not very sure who are they. But they definitely make a very cute pair. Quite a good matching pair. Good job!!
Another stranger cosplay character that i am not familiar with. The overall style seems pretty cool to me.
More vocaloids here. This seems nice to mi. However, my true intention is to get a shot of the cosplayer beside her but too bad she is using her phone. Oh well, nice vocaloid cosplay!
It is vocaloids again. This time we have rin and len. Quite a fun looking pair.
Finally some characters from naruto. We have kisame and itachi here if i am not wrong. They make an awesome pair just like in the anime. Good effort here. Jiawei thinks that they look pretty cool so he decided to take a picture with them anyway.
Also at the fest, they even showcase some movie that are not air in singapore and even difficult to watch online.These movies includes: Naruto, sora no otoshimono and fullmetal alchemist. It only cost 10 bucks for each ticket. Definitely worth to watch it. However due to some reasons, i was not able to watch it , partially due to the timing of the shows. Good stuff anyway. I was also happy to see that people are still playing trading cards which is a past time for me. As of now, the popular trading card games are chaos , vanguard and magic. I was quite amazed, magic was from such a long time ago and there are still people playing even till now. still i am quite sad to see that nobody are playing yugioh anymore.
I do not have much information about the stage show since i did not attend the stage show, sorry much!!! This year the festival plus the stage ticket cost 18 bucks which is more expensive than last year from what i heard from my friend. I feel that 18 bucks is just a bit too expensive. so if they can bring it down next year, i will be sure to buy the stage ticket too, no doubt.
Overall, this event has been a fulfilling trip for me. As this is my virgin trip there, i have not much experience taking the pictures. So please pardon me for the poorly taken pictures. I promised next year the pictures will be better taken. I spent about 30 bucks worth on a shirt and a badge. Shall show you guys on one of my post. I was pretty much regretted for not buying any figurine at AFA. Sadden D: Well even though i have watched tons of anime's for the past few years. However, i still realised that there are still far off too many characters that i am not aware of. This only means that i have not been watching enough anime. As of now, i am already trying my best to catch up more anime to be ready for more anime related events. I am dam looking forward to AFA 2012. I know you guys are too. So lets hope next year is not the end of world X: Before ending off, i should say: ''AFA 2011'' is awesome!!! :DD Hail!!!
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