This is the first cat that we fed as it is the first one we located. I call him/her blacky as it is black xP Okay, i know it sounds kind of lame, but i cant think of any better names.Blacky is very shy and very afraid of us. She/he would not dare to eat the food that we place on the ground unless we keep a distance from him/her. Below are more pictures of blacky.

This is the second cat we fed. We actually wanted to feed blacky more but blacky was full eating a small portion of the food. This cat i call him/her patchy. I give this name because the colour on his/her body is like patches. Quite cool right the name :DD Patchy is actually also very shy. Patchy also likes to go to the car park and he/she would to decide very long before he/she eats our food. Patchy is almost run over by a car. Luckily the driver has a heart. More pictures of patchy is below.

Okay this is the last cat we feed that day as we can no longer find any cats D: I call this cat happy. I give this name because happy is really aggressive. Happy would come to us even in the absence of food. This give me the impression that happy is really hyper. Not only that, happy can really eat a lot. He/she can eat more than half of the food we brought. We are scare that it may have a adverse effect on happy, so we did not feed him/her too much. Happy is my favourite cat by the way :]

This is some random picture i found on the net. This picture gives me a very heart warming feeling like a parent that wants to protect its children. I like the eyes definitely :]] okay first of all i want to give the credit to jason for taking the pictures and jia wei doing most of the feeding :P Hahah, during most of the time i am talking to the cats.I wonder if they can understand me. So what i can do is blog about them :DD
So i also want to stress people, if you have the money and time, please feed these very pityful cats. They are actually suffering from the hunger every day. They in fact are actually also lonely since stray cats are usually alone rather than in groups. So i hope you people could just give up some money and time of yours to help and love these cats. I will be very grateful really :D Well so if you people are interesting in joining me to feed these cats, do put a tag down, text, msn but never email xP Okay thats for now, ciao su~~~
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