The story starts with third year high school student, Okazaki tomoya. He is a boy who dislikes the school and his life. His mother had passed away when he was young, making his father turning to gambling and alcohol which eventually turn his whole life upside down. This results in a fight between tomoya and his father which injured tomoya's right hand. This makes tomoya with no choice to but quit the basketball team as he is unable to lift his hand above his shoulder. Since then , tomoya drift further away from his father, maintaining an distant relationship. This cause tomoya to become a delinquent and an outcast in school over time.
One day, while on the way to school, he met a girl call furukawa nagisa who is a year older. She is repeating a year in school due to her illness. Because of this, she is always alone as most of her friends have already graduated. For some reasons, tomoya cant leave her alone, so he decided to help nagisa. Along the way, he met a few girls. Although at first, he does not really care about them. However, he started to open his heart to them as they get to know each other better. At the same time without them knowing, tomoya and nagisa has also started falling for each other.

Clannad after story is the second season of clannad. In the second season, nagisa and tomoya started dating. Another chapter of their lives started to unfold at the same time where they find out more about their lives. In the second season,there are less appearance of the other characters. What i meant is that, in the second season it is mainly focusing on tomoya and nagisa who are the main characters in the series.

As i mentioned at the start, this is probably one of the best anime that i have watched. Well, i do have my reasons for saying so. This is a anime that makes you cry and laugh. So when i am watching this anime, it makes me like a idiot as i can be seen laughing or crying infront of the screen.It is like the feeling of hot and cold. The anime is very different from the other school life romance anime is that it contains the element , ''fantasy'' in the story. This makes the whole anime very special as it introduces some phenomena that is quite impossible to be seen in real life context. I can only hint you guys with one word:''miracle'' . If you want to know what i really mean, be sure to see the anime to the end :DD
Of course this anime has its flaws too. I feel that it does not really has a solid ending. Which makes it kinda complicated and incomplete. There is also a very big twist at the ending from a very bad ending to a very good ending. Thus making it very extreme which i cant use words to describe. This has a very close connection to the hint i gave, ''miracles''. I feel that the twist is not exactly bad, but i think if they can expand on the story a bit more after the twist, it would make everything better xD Overall, i strongly recommend people to see. Who knows it might really inspire you guys and totally give you a new view point about life :DDD
The opening and ending song is not really catchy i should say. However, it is definitely very meaningful and in sync with the anime.
1.Megumeru ~Cuckool Mix 2007~ by Eufonius ( opening 1 )
2.Dango Daikazoku by chata ( ending 1 )
Clannad afterstory:
1.Toki wo Kizamu Uta by Lia ( opening 1 )
2.Torch by Lia ( ending 1 )
My personal favourite is the dango daikazoku which means dango big family. It is used to be my least favourite song in the whole series as the lyrics and the song itself sounded very childish. However, once you see a scene in the series which will sing this song, i promise it will definitely touch and makes you want to cry. So whenever i hear this song, it gives me a very clam but at the same time a very sad feeling.
Ciao su~~
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