The story actually starts from a 11 year old girl, Chiyo mihama that had transferred into a unnamed highschool. She is a child prodigy with excellent grades whereby everybody was amazed by her. Not long later, another girl, Ayumu kasuga from osaka also transfer to the same school. due to some turn of events, she was nicknamed ''Osaka'' the place where she was from. Slowly, 4 more girls, sakaki, tomo,yomi and kagura join in and the 6 of them started to hang out more together. Where the story tells the everyday life of the 6 girls with some other side characters of their 3 years in highschool.

Okay, the plot does not really sounds interesting eh? Well because this is another those no plot anime thats talks about everyday life. It is very very similar to K on whereby they the characters spent their 3 years hanging out together in school and graduate. The plot is not the one that is attractive, it is actually the characters and the way the characters react that makes the story nice. Hmmm, how should i put it. It is actually a very very cute anime!! The characters in there are very cute and it contains a wide variety of characters. what i meant is that each characters have their own unique characteristic. The funny thing of the story is that what the characters do are absolutely retarded random. Despite saying this, i do not meant it in a bad way, in fact it is because of its randomness that makes the whole story rather interesting.
What i like most about this anime is that it has a free and easy plot. what i meant is that this anime does not tense the watcher. As you know some very serious anime like code geass can really make you feel the stress at some times which can make you feel rather tense. This is definitely not the case in this anime where you can just sit back and watch with no stress. There is also no need to understand the story as what the characters do are just too random for you to predict. All in all, it is a very funny and relaxing anime. Want to take a break from reality? Watch this anime :D

The songs in this anime is actually very little with one opening and one ending. The songs are cute and catchy. It is also kind of familiar to me when i first heard it. however, the songs are just way too cute for me. It is nice but just not my type of songs.
1. Soramimi cake by Oranges and lemons (opening 1)
2. Raspberry heaven by Oranges and lemons (Ending 1)
Okay thats all for now, i will try to update this space real soon !!
ciao su~~~
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