Needless is set in the year 2130 in the near future after world war 3. The war has caused devastating damage to tokyo and leaves a gigantic crater in the middle of it which is also known as the black spot. Those living in the black spot is treated as an outcast from the rest of the city. Because of an unknown ''contamination'' due to the after effect of the wars, it causes some people living in the black spots to gain mysterious powers. Their powers are also called ''fragments'' and these people are then called ''needless'' .
In the center of the black spot, there lies an organisation namely ''simeon'' and the leader ''Adam arclight'' and his powerful minions strikes fear throughout the whole black spot. Due to some unknown reasons, they started the ''needless hunt'' in which many innocent needless fall prey to. By coincidence, cruz a survivor of ''resistance'' a group that oppose the simeon was saved by adam blade. Through some turns of events, cruz team up with blade and his other friends started to clash against the simeon. Along the journey, they met many new friends and the truth behind blade and arclight past also reveals itself.

Okay the synopsis of ''needless'' may seems pretty serious. However let me tell you , needless is actually one hell of a funny ass anime. Yes you can expect to see a lot of freaking funny ass scene. Totally thumbs up!!! Of there are still some scenes that are still really serious.However in really many serious scene, in half way there will be some sort of funny parts that would pop out. It is not a climax breaker of something, the anime is just unique in this way :D Plot wise, i feel that it has a solid one..
Okay the fighting scenes are really superior in this anime. The good thing here is that not just guys are fighting here, there is also hell lot of pretty and cute girls fightings. Come on nobody can get enough of it... so yay!!! Okay the character wise is awesome.. They each have their own unique capabilities and abilities which you can never forget. There too have a wide variety of characters so it can be kind of hard to remember all the names. It also has a lot of fan service which just spice up things..
Of course after saying so much good things, there are still some minor bad points. As much to my disappointment, the graphic is not really up to my expectations. Partly due to the age of this anime. However, it is still quite watchable. Also the ending is just too sudden and fast. So i feel they could just extend it by one episode to finish the ending properly. This will be more satisfying for the audience.

The songs in this anime are pretty okay for me. It has 2 openings and 2 endings. The songs really suits the anime. The endings are those typical cute songs and unexpectly i like it too.. cute songs do not really interest me much in normal case, however the two endings has captured my attention. Really hard to come by.. So here goes:
1. Modern Strange Cowboy by Granrodeo (OP 1)
2. Aggressive Zone by Needless Girls+ (ED 1)
3. Scarlet Bomb! by Aki Misato (OP 2)
4. Wanted! For The Love by Needless Girls+ (ED 2)
Well the opening in this case is fairly okay.. Anyway it is good stuff so why not try and listen to it :D Okay all in all needless is sometime really special and definitely one of the better animes. If not for its poor graphics, it will deinitely deserve a higher score. So for those lolicons lovers that love tons of pretty and cute girls and for guys who like awesome fans service and superior fightings. This is the anime for you.. Well happy watching !!
Ciaos su~~~
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