Yes first off we have Asakura yoh from shaman king. I can say that he is my all time favourites from my childhood till nows. In the anime, he has a very carefree, simple and lazy attitude. His good points is that he is able to maintain his composure at all times. Thats what i think is amazing. Shaman king is really an awesome anime, do watched it :DD

Next stop, we have Tao Ren also from shaman king. The reason i like this character is that he is really cool with al the stunts and power that he uses in the anime. His attitude is also completely the opposite of yoh. In the anime, he is so call the ''rival'' of yoh. He is awesome, so yeah !

Next again, we have sawada tsunayoshi from katekyo hitman reborn. Yes, he may looked very cool in the picture, actually without his flame , he is just a no good loser. However, once he wears his X gloves and eat a pill which ignites his dying will flame, he goes on a whole new level, stronger and cooler. He is also the boss of vongola family, a mafia group in the anime. He was chosen as the boss because of his kind heart.

following , we have hibari kyouya also from katekyo hitman reborn. He is one of the guardians of tsuna. However, in the anime he is known to be having a cold blooded personality. Always acting alone and being very strong. This makes him really very cool. his favourite phrase is Kamikorosu which means i will bite to you to death.

Yes, we have chrome also from katekyo hitman reborn. To me, her image really looks like those amazorn fighters. In the series, she is a substitute guardians of tsuna. some of her organs are missing and she is kept alive by organs that is illusion. Pretty unbelievable. She might look somehow weak, however in crucial time when her friends is in danger, she can be pretty reliable :D

A pretty good combination, we have baby bel and oga from beelzebub. Looking from their appearance, they may seem pretty harmless. But in fact they are very strong. With baby bel the child of the demon king and oga the strongest at his delinquent school. these 2 are dangerously strong when they are together. In the anime they may seem they do not get along. In fact they really care for each other.

coming up we have allen walker from D.grayman. He is a pretty cool character in the anime. He is some what very composed and proved to be a reliable teammates. His special facial characteristics is that he as markings on is left eye showing that his eyes is cursed giving him a special ability.

Oh yes!! this is one of my top female characters that i really like. This is none other that lenalee from D.grayman. Her special feature is her dark boots which she can be seen giving powerful kicks. Also her beautiful legs which is very captivating and also her 2 long pony tails. Yeah!! she look really cute. Her personality is the contrast of her appearance. She is very reliable and somewhat cool :DD *double thumbs up!!

Oh yes now we have kotonoha from school days which is a really sadist anime. however, it is still very awesome. She is a very pure hearted and kind girl but was later turn to some crazy fellow because of the betrayal of a desperate guy. She has , how should i say, a cute face and a very mature body. The face of an angel and the body of a devil :DD

Now we have ikaros from sora no otoshimono. she is an angeloid. Like the name indicates, she is something like an angel. Well dun be fool by her innocent face and super hot body, she is in fact a super killer machine. She also has a strange liking towards watermelons.

something interesting, we have oz bezarius from pandora hearts. He is actually the heir to a dukedom. He is sort of a chosen one in the anime. His personality makes him able to accept anything that comes up. He has also made a contract with a chain, black rabbit or alice coming up next.

Black rabbit or alice from pandora hearts. She look really cool and can be seen transformed in to a giant rabbit with a scyter from time to time. Her favourite food is meat. Although she is seen always putting up a strong front, actually she is very weak inside.

Misaka from To aru no railgun. She is one of the seven level 5 esper. She can actually generated electricity. She is also nickname the railgun till to her powers of shooting out a coin with electricity resulting in a very powerful force. In the anime, she can be seen showing most of her cool sides but she is clumsy when it comes to love. She is seen as a big sister by her clique in the anime.

Finally we have 5 cute girls from K ON!!! Azusa,yui,ritsu,mio and mugi from left to right. They are 5 girls with different personality but what brought them together is music. Yes, in the anime the bonds that they shared is really beautiful :DD The songs that they sang in the anime, i should say is super awesomee :DD

To end off, i should say watching anime is not just for fun and laughter. I believe to anime fans, it actually make ones life happier and relaxing. Not escaping from reality but taking a break from reality. Because in the anime world, you can be what you want. Anything is possible. Anime also teaches the watcher the essence of life and morals. Some characters is so captivating that you wish they are real and in some cases you want to be them. So i believe anime does have a positive influence depending on your own view. Well hope people will continue supporting anime. Banzai!! xD
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